Are you aware that God loves you, created you, wants a relationship with you on this earth, to ultimately spend eternity in heaven with you? Yet to do this, God wants us to first get right with Him by doing just one thing, and that one thing is to ask Him into our hearts. Why? Because He created us and He loves us. God holds the great gift of eternal life and He offers it to us freely.
Because we live in a fallen world, a world full of uncertainty and disappointments, we often fail to recognize that God is always waiting for us to look to Him for guidance and for support. Often, the fast pace of life, the distractions and confusion of this world, and or the guilt over the mistakes in our lives drive us away from a merciful, gracious, and loving God. Face it, no matter how hard you try to "live your own life" you mess just about everything up and get tired of feeling all alone... you have been running away from God and deep down on the inside you know you just can't keep living a lie and you know there is more to life than this... God has a purpose for your life, but until you know Who God is, how will you fulfill that? Do you know God?
Maybe you are so busy that there is no room for God. You think, "I've done fine on my own. I have a great life, a great job, wonderful family, nice car, cool clothes, etc." But deep down inside there is a void that no earthly thing can fill--not a relationship, money, health or material things. How many times have you accomplished a goal only to find yourself thinking, "What now?" You may be thinking, 'I am a good person, I haven't killed anyone.' You may not have killed anyone, but the Bible states that if you have ever lied you are in trouble like a murderer. How many of us are really 100% good like God calls us to be?
As the world changes daily, we are left with more questions than ever before. How often do we feel powerless like there is no hope? Yet in all of this chaos, there is one thing that never changes, the One who has all the answers to this world's problems- it is God and His written Holy Word, the Holy Bible. No matter how much you have done wrong, no matter what you have done there IS FORGIVNESS in JESUS CHRIST and you can start all over!
Are you ready to accept Jesus? Say these words and mean it in your heart... I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification. I am calling upon His Name -- the Name of Jesus -- I believe with my heart, and I confess Jesus now as my lord. Therefore I am saved!
Lord, you said in Your Word, "....... if I confess with thy mouth that Lord Jesus, and I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, I SHALL BE SAVED....... For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans10:9)